Let's pop the hood on your social media platforms
Wondering how effective your social media efforts are at generating high-quality leads?
Not sure what strategic steps to make to amplify and optimize your reach?
Feeling lost on what social media platform you should be on and what type of content works best for your target audience?
Many business owners, just like you, are feeling lost in the social media sauce. You’ve been posting on your business’s social media platforms for some time now, but with all the new features, updates, and platforms emerging it’s overwhelming, no doubt.
But you’re not alone.
We’ve all done that comparison dance with others in our industries who have tens of thousands of followers and we feel like, hmph, we’re never going to catch up.
But in reality, do you know what your numbers are telling you beyond the follower count?
You can be raking in the revenue with 200 followers if you have the proper system in place and understand what metrics to measure that bring high-quality leads to your digital doors.
Starting with these foundational metrics doesn’t just increase your ability to create captivating content that converts — it catapults your success. (You know, so you’re creating content that does its dang job by bringing you leads).
So, let’s keep our eyes on our own paper and conversion rates, mmk? Cool.
Simple question: Are you getting the leads, referrals and sales you're after from social media?
Incase you didn’t know, 71% of consumers who have a positive brand experience on social media are more likely to recommend that brand to their friends or family (Forbes, 2018).
Are you creating these positive brand interactions and conversations on social media consistently within your accounts to attract ideal customers? Let's find out!
What's included in the Snap Scan:
The Snap Scan is an evaluation method designed to inspect and analyze the effectiveness of your social media channels from the outside in. We share our recommendations for optimizing your social media efforts, identify what gaps need to be filled in order to hit revenue goals, as well as draw a line in the sand by showcasing the front end metrics so you know where your starting point is and where to measure success going forward.
This is all wrapped up in a well-designed report with video walk through from our CEO and founder, Karlyn Ankrom.
Review and analyze your social media to see how effective they are at getting you leads.
Identify the gaps in order for you to generate high quality leads so you can move the needle on your revenue goals.
Get recommendations on how to optimize and strategically use your social media channels so you never miss an opportunity to be found by ideal prospects.
BONUS: A monthly tracking template, so you are reading the right numbers when tracking your progress!
Let's Scan Your Social Media Today!
Bring more high-quality leads to your digital front doors.
© Oh Snap! Social | ohsnapsocial.com | hello@ohsnapsocial.com